Dr. Haider Anna Gerlinde

Your specialist in pulmonary medicine
and general medicine with experience.

1010 Vienna, Graben 19,
5th floor door 11
Wed: 09.00 - 17.00 Thu: 09.00 - 11.00 Fr: 09.00 - 12.00 as well as flexible telemedicine meetings by arrangement.
Tel.: +43 681 10 28 57 59

General medicine

The interdisciplinary contact point for your health

counseling sessions


individual consultations

Specialist referrals

medication prescriptions
and recipes

Treatment and rehabilitation applications

Personalized medicine at the highest level

In the breath there are two graces:
Inhale the air, discharge it;
That oppresses, this refreshes;
Life is so wonderfully mixed.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe –

Pulmonology and GENERAL MEDICINE

The individual diagnosis and therapy concept

  • Step 1: Initial consultation


    Discussion without time pressure, detailed clinical examination and review of all existing documents.

  • Step 1: Initial consultation

    Discussion without time pressure, detailed clinical examination and review of all existing documents.


    Step 1: Initial consultation

  • Step 2: Diagnosis


    Development of a personalized diagnostic package.

    Placement in other specialist centers in Vienna and the surrounding area, incl. Data transfer and, if desired, an appointment.
    We do not operate a diagnostic line and are not involved in billing.

  • Step 3: Second call:

    Gemeinsame Ausarbeitung des optimalen Behandlungskonzeptes, schriftliche Zusammenfassung inkl. Stellungnahme.


    Step 3: Second call:


The following options for general medical and pulmonary specialist treatment are available to you:

As requested, contact is made personally at Graben 19, 5th floor, door 11.

or via telemedical consultation.

If you wish, a consultation can take place without a digital footprint.

Please contact our reception personally (entrance: Graben 19, 5th floor, door 11).

Non-binding and free initial information can be arranged on +4368110285759.

Digital Consultations

10 minutes

The digital quick medical consultation:

Do you have a short or spontaneous question?
Don't have time to get there?
You want to discuss something as soon as possible?

Personal appointments on site

1 Hour

The personal appointment at Graben:

Would you like a personal doctor's appointment on site?